Game Rules

The default values for each GameRule are defined in defaultGameRules.json.


  • /wunderkisteAllowNetworks [true|false]
    When enabled, allows use of different Wunderkisten-Networks.
  • /wunderkisteAllowNamedNetworks [true|false]
    When enabled, allows use of named Wunderkisten-Networks. You can select the name of the Network using an anvil. (only on 1.18.2 and up)
  • /wunderkisteShowColored [true|false]
    Shows the color of the Network currently assigned to the Wunderkiste.
  • /wunderkisteCanColor [true|false]
    Allow players to recolor Wunderkiste with Dye. Networks sill be used when disabled, but players won't be able to change the Network.
  • /wunderkisteChangeNetworkCost [0-∞]
    Cost of Dye when changing the Network of a Wunderkiste.
  • /wunderkisteRedstonePowerWhenOpened [true|false]
    Emit Redstone-Power when Wunderkiste is opened.
  • /wunderkisteAnalogRedstoneOutput [true|false]
    Emit analog Redstone Power.
  • /wunderkisteChunkLoaderRadius [0..5]
    The radius of chunks around the Wunderkiste that is keept loaded a at all times. (0=disable forced chunk loading, 1=default, only the chunk where the Wunderkiste was placed in is loaded)


  • /wunderreichAllowTradesCycling [true|false]
    Enable Trade-Cycling. If disabled, you basically disable the Whisperer mechanic.
  • /wunderreichCyclingNeedsWhisperer [true|false]
    Villagers will only cycle trades when player holds a Whisperer. When disabled, you can re-roll trades of unexperienced Novice Villagers without any Whisperer.
  • /wunderreichAllowLibrarianSelection [true|false]
    Librarians hear imprinted Whispers and present matching trades when cycled. When disabled, imprinted Whisperers behave like blank Whisperers and have no special effect on Librarians.
  • /whispersDurability [number]
    The base Durability of a blank Whisperer.
  • /whispersTrainedDurability [number]
    The base Durability of an imprinted Whisperer.
  • Imprinting a Whisperer generates a small amount of XP for the Player. The static base XP depends on the rarity of the imprinted Enchantment and is then multiplied with a random (percentage-)value in a user definable range.
    • /whispersMinXPMultiplier [number]: Minimum percentage of base XP that will get dropped.
    • /whispersMaxXPMultiplier [number]: Maximum percentage of base XP that will get dropped.


Most config-Options from this File are available in a graphical Userinterface (if ModMenu is installed).

You can edit this file to change the configuration. However, a restart of your game is required for changes to take effect. The file can be found in the following Folder:

  • Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\config\wunderreich\main.json
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/config/wunderreich/main.json

  • display.multiTexturedWunderkiste
    When enabled (default), a colored Wunderkiste is rendered using a color texture. This has higher fidelity, but consumes more memory and increases the load time. When disabled, we use on texture, that is colored during rendering.
  • features.enableWhispers
    Will add (Imprinted-)Whisperers as Items to the game. When disabled, no Whisperer-Items will be available in your worlds.

    Dependant Settings (only available when true):

    • features.addBlankWhisperer
      Generate blank Whisperers.
    • features.addImprintedWhispers
      Generate imprinted Whisperers based on all enchanted Books that can be traded with Villagers.


This file is auto populated with the default values for every available Game Rule. Changing configurations in this file will influence the default value of the according GameRules for new Worlds. A restart of Minecraft is required for the changes to take effect.

  • Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\config\wunderreich\defaultGameRules.json
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/config/wunderreich/defaultGameRules.json